Local Pickup Only
Please note that all buyers must be willing & able to pick up their turkeys on-location in Nashville, TN on Monday, November 25 from 3-5 pm.
See our FAQ page for more details.
Have additional questions? Call the turkey hotline at 615-543-6258
About NIA House Montessori
Located in the heart of Nashville, NIA House Montessori is an independent, private Montessori school. NIA House was founded in 2013 by a group of educators and parents who have a passion for serving children age 2 to 12 years. With a commitment to being a socioeconomic and culturally diverse community, we provide children, from preschool through 6th grade, with an educational environment that encourages curiosity, exploration, and discovery as a means to achieve academic excellence. Our children are guided by highly qualified 4-year degreed and Montessori trained teachers who deeply believe in inspiring the genius in all children.
All proceeds from this turkey drive will go toward the Tuition Assistance Program at NIA House, helping families send their children to this great school, regardless of financial status.